Thursday 30 November 2006

Rawhide Shoe. 58

Needs to be cut up and pieces held for Myrr to eat. She particularly likes the shoelace part. It's ridiculous!

Rawhide Bone. 57

Lovely, they go all slimy. Myrr likes a slimy bone...

Myrr wil request someone holds the bone for her to chew. A snob dog, requires a servant to assist chewing bones.

Piece of wood. 56

Piece of kindling wood.

Red Lorry. 55

That's it, chew metal...clever...

She also likes collecting stones from rivers.

"Glovey". 54

The "Glovey", her first and favorite toy. I think this came from her original owner in Cornwall. The orignal owner needed a change of place and space, which meant Myrr needed new accomodation. Another possession that came with her, is her Linus-like "blanky", which is a stinky old sleeping bag. Whippets are one of those dogs that likes to 'nest' and hide under covers. So she sleeps in a sleeping bag, that is now full of holes, where she's removed the stuffing.

Linus and a directory full of other cartoon skeletons.
They are by artist Michael Paulus.

Hairy pop sock. 53


Red Tennis Ball. 52

Christmas Stocking. 51

Christmas Stocking full of lolly shaped chews. Not hugely popular.

Rope Bones. 49/50

Solid Blue Ball. 48

Not popular, too heavy.

More Balls. 47

Vinyl Christmas Pudding. 46

Sock. 45

Reindeer. 44

Was mine, until Myrr chews it to pieces.

Mouse Remains. 43

Wednesday 29 November 2006

The Pink Panther. 42

The Pink Panther, a very snooty skinny one. The Thin Pink Duke?

Santa Balls. 41

Another Snowman. 40

Like a Rubber Ball. 39

Really ugly snot ball.

Mutt. 38

No eyes, no stuffing, a rather deflated mutt.

Not Count Duckula. 37

Nor is he "Quackula". The only reference I could find for this toy, was on ""...

Perhaps it's a vampire Goose... Goosula?

Barbecue Chicken Wing. 36

Dog Eared Toy. 35

A favorite, then it fell out of favour and has become rather 'distraught'. (It lost it's eyes early on.)

"Glovey" Lining. 34

"Glovey" is the call for Myrr to go hysterical and start trying to bite your fingers off. Myrr has a pair of leather gloves known as "Glovey". She expects you to put one on, so she can attack it. Is it some repressed abuse fantasy? Was she hit by a gloved person as a puppy and this is her inacting some revenge?

"Walkies" means nothing to her "Glovey" is the magical word.

Vinyl Squeak Pig. 33

As you can just see, the squeak comes out it's arse.

It also comes in a very small piglet size too.

Francis the Ladybug. 32

Bits and pieces of a savaged "Francis the Ladybug" beanie character (current ebay price $6.99, elsewhere up to $12.99). He comes from the Pixar Movie "A Bug's Life" (rated 7.3/10 on Denis Leary voiced the character, on the discussions page of his wikipedia entry: "He looks like a deranged insect in this picture, can we get a new one?"

"Size: each approx. 8" Materials: polyester fibre, polyethylene pellets, plastic stiffener."

This toy would have been more appropriate, the flea character, also one of the ugliest plush toys I've ever seen.

"Special Needs" Zebra. 31

Goofy the Glove Puppet. 30

Myrr likes gloves...or rather likes bitting them, preferably with a hand in them.

Mouse Thing. 29

Another Tennis Ball. 28

Tabby Cat with Yarn. 27

Kitty has taken a shotgun to her muzzle. The eyes and stuffing removed for kitties own good.

Leopard Plush Ball. 26

Made from the scraps of Bet Lynch.

Felt Carrots. 25

I made these in Primary School. Now the dog has them, clearly that mutt is more important than me.

American Football Toy. 24

Purple Rubber Ball. 23

Bouncy Tomato Ball. 22

A tomato which is half invisible...and bounces...obvious.

Who makes this crap?

Balls. 21

Tennis Ball. 20

One of many.

A Squeaky Wheel. 19

A toy that I presume encourages dogs to chase cars. Myrr hates bikes and tractors... Fair enough.

Nice choice of colours for the bones.

A Squeaky wheel gets the oil, a dog toy being part of our reason for the Iraq invasion: Our need for tyres and oil...Now transferred to our pets.