Saturday 16 December 2006

Broken Football-Theme Dumbell 100.

Baseball 99.

Pink Terry Towel Shower Crab 98.

Unwanted Shower cloth thing.

Flashing Bouncing Eyeball 97.

Green Dumbell 96.

Ugly Ginger Bear 95.

Four Prong Vinyl Chew 94.

Rabbit 93.

Myxomatosis rabbit.

Cat Pencil Case 92.

I hate cats too, so why stuff pencils in a pretend cat, when there're so many real cats out there? Yeah, yeah, they like it alright, I'm sure. What is a cat anus for, if not holding sharpened pencils?

Big Bird 91.

Boy, these photos are bad, but so is the subject. Seems to be a French flag themed background.

Big Red Sock 90.

Big Green Cock 89.

Squeeze the cock and make him squeak.

Phallic Barbers Pole Snowman Thing 88.

Do only complete idiots design dog toys? This is pathetic.

Woollen Baker 87.

Made by a Great Aunt for my 18th Birthday...
She'd approve of the dogs having it, she's a dog lady.

Mini Goose 86.

Small Dog 85.